วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 17 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2555

5 Tips to control Blood Sugar Without medicine

Borderline Diabetes:

To control blood sugar means to develop control of your life- something that many diabetics have only done by usually taking their medicine. But did you know that there are means and ways that you would be able to control your spiraling blood sugar without relying solely on your diabetes medication, such as your insulin. Let's face it- for many decades now, investigate on diabetes has shown that there are inevitable incidences of diabetes that are harder and harder to regulate with the usual spectrum of treatments.

Because of this there is a need to lower blood sugar naturally- and there are fullness of methods that you can try to make this happen for you. Your diabetes sugar level is fully dependent on the health of your body (how salutary you are) and your diet (what you have been eating all these years). Often the diabetic that has not been informed fully would not be able to gauge the normal status of his health, and he or she would not know how to alter his current diet. The following may be done to get normal blood glucose levels.

1. Exercise more- it is now more critical to growth your bodily activity, because if you don't even your muscle tissues will begin to take damage if you don't control your blood sugar. If you haven't been exercising for most of your life then this would be a good time to begin.

Borderline Diabetes:5 Tips to control Blood Sugar Without medicine

2. Eat less saturated fats- it is true that you need a nutritive diet to get along- but the nutritive aspect fails if you are spirited way too many calories of saturated fat. The effort fails because you might suffer from complications of diabetes mellitus- the deadly ones always sway the heart.

3. Eat organic- the less junk food and processed foods you consume, the less likely you would be raising your blood sugar levels. Because of this basic fact, start enjoying organic food more- start cooking at home with your own recipes and watch your blood sugar go down.

4. No to soft drinks- soft drinks are one of the important causes of diabetes since its inception, and it still is today. If you have been addicted to the stuff from birth, then now would be a good time to wean yourself off the harmful substance because soft drinks are packed with sugar with every gulp.

5. Yes to natural fruit juices- if you still want your small doses of sugar and yet you have decided not to drink soft drinks, why not try natural fruit juices instead? Try the King himself- the coconut. Coconut juice is sweet, beyond doubt chilled and quite refreshing. Try different recipes for cocktails and watch a room go wild with coconut juice. Or you can naturally sip it cold while reading your beloved book or listening to your beloved composers. This is also safe for insulin dependent diabetics.

These are only some of the ways that you may be able to control blood sugar.

Borderline Diabetes:5 Tips to control Blood Sugar Without medicine

