วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 31 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Pre Diabetes with Fitness de Cuisine

Pre Diabetes with Fitness de Cuisine - Borderline Diabetes

Pre Diabetes, sometimes referred to as borderline diabetes, is estimated to afflict over 79 million Americans adults, according to studies published in 2011 by the National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse (NDIC). Those figures include 50 percent of adults aged 65 years and older. As the seventh leading cause of death in the United States, diabetes is responsible for many new cases of heart disease and stroke reported each year. Other complications associated with diabetes includes kidney failure, lower-limb amputations, and blindness. Recent research indicates that lifestyle changes through better diet and more exercise can lessen the progression of Pre Diabetes into Type 2 Diabetes.

My, First, Project

